Stop, Look, and Listen/I'm No Fool (Mickey Mouse Club) lyrics
Stop, Look, and Listen/I'm No Fool (Mickey Mouse Club)
Stop, look and listen
And always use your head
Look at the signal
Is it green or red
First, you stop, then you look
Then you listen hard
You can make just any street
As safe as your backyard
Stop, look and listen
Your eyes will tell your feet
When you can safely
Walk across the street
First, you stop, then you look
Then you listen hard
You can make just any street
As safe as your backyard
Stop, look and listen!
(spoken) "That's very good advice, huh, and I always follow it because..."
I'm no fool! No sirree!
I want to live to be seventy-three
I play safe for you and me 'cause
I'm no fool!
Any fool play's in the street
As though it were a field
A bumper throws him for a loss
Against the car's windshield
Oh, I'm no fool! No sirree!
I want to live to be eighty-three
I play safe for you and me 'cause
I'm no fool!
Any fool gets out of cars
The wrong side only once
And if he lives to tell the tale
He's crowned a stupid dunce
Oh, I'm no fool! No sirree!
I want to live to be ninety-three
I play safe for you and me 'cause
I'm no fool!
Stop, look and listen
And always use your head
Look at the signal
Is it green or red
First, you stop, then you look
Then you listen hard
You can make just any street
As safe as your backyard
Stop, look and listen
Your eyes will tell your feet
When you can safely
Walk across the street
First, you stop, then you look
Then you listen hard
You can make just any street
As safe as your backyard
Stop, look and listen!
Last Update: June, 10th 2013
Musicals > D > Disney: 60 Years of Musical Magic > Stop, Look, and Listen/I'm No Fool (Mickey Mouse Club)