Disney: 60 Years of Musical Magic review
Disney: 60 Years of Musical Magic Review - Broadway musical
Dedicated to all fans of Disney’s creativity! This collection, which is about 5 hours and 50 minutes of the best tunes sorted out of all that Disney has done before 1997 (and then partially continued in the period when all 5 parts were produced during three subsequent years), 5 separate disks contain 130 melodies. Originally, each of which consisted of 25 tunes, but fans can rejoice, because there are even a little more! On average, each has 26 songs (plus one to the nominal amount)!The hearts of listeners, who are not even fans, allow to sing along with many songs, because the melodies are familiar to us from the very childhood. Assessing the collection as a whole we can safely give it 5 stars out of 5 because it contains almost all the tunes that are significant in the works of Disney, that formed tastes of several generations. Completely instrumental or with funny and kind voices of your favorite characters, a collection of 5 pieces is much cheaper than each disc separately, allows to forget about the environment of the outside world for 6 long hours, plunging headlong into the lightness of the music flowing through every fiber of the headphones.
Ardent fans will find, among others, songs from The Lion King, Aladdin, Mary Poppins, The Jungle Book, Cinderella, Bembi, Snow White, Mickey Mouse Club, Pinocchio, Pocahontas, Peter Pan, Toy Story and so on and so on.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016