Underwater lyrics - Caroline, or Change

Underwater lyrics


It?s like a song you hear on the radio at night.
Like sleepin with the light out.
It?s like the wooden sound of your mama sad bassoon.

someday we?ll talk again
but they?s things we?ll never say.
That sorrow deep inside you,
it inside me too,
and it never go away.

You be okay.
You?ll learn how to lose things?

My sorrow go where my heart grow calm.
When you stop breathing air
you get oh so calm,
no fire down there,
so it?s calm, calm, calm,
and there?s never any money,
so it?s very, very, calm.
But you miss,
oh you miss,
the sun and the moon,
and the wooden bassoon.

And sharing cigarettes?
Do you miss sharing a cigarette?

You bet I do, Noah,
you bet.

Last Update: June, 10th 2013

> > > Underwater
Musical: Caroline, or Change. Song: Underwater. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes