Caroline, or Change videos

- Disc 1:
- 16 Feet Beneath the Sea
- The Radio
- Laundry Quintet
- Noah Down The Stairs
- The Cigarette
- Laundry Finish
- The Dryer
- I Got Four Kids
- Caroline, There's Extra Food
- There Is No God, Noah
- Rose Stopnick Can Cook
- Long Distance
- Dotty and Caroline
- Moon Change
- Moon Trio
- The Bus
- That Can't Be
- Noah And Rose
- Inside/Outside
- Duets: No One Waitin'
- Duets: 'Night Mamma
- Duets: Gonna Pass Me A Law
- Duets: Noah Go To Sleep
- Noah Has A Problem
- Stuart And Noah
- Quarter In The Bleach Cup
- Caroline Take My Money Home
- Roosevelt Petrucius Coleslaw
- Disc 2:
- Santa Comin' Caroline
- Little Reward
- 1943
- Mr. Gellman's Shirt
- Ooh Child
- Rose Recovers
- I Saw Three Ships
- The Chanukah Party
- Dotty And Emmie
- I Don't Want My Child To Hear That
- Mr. Stopnick And Emmie
- Kitchen Fight
- A Twenty Dollar Bill And Why
- I Hate the Bus
- Moon, Emmie And Stuart Trio
- The Twenty Dollar Bill
- Caroline And Noah Fight
- Aftermath
- Sunday Morning
- Lot's Wife
- Salty Teardrops
- Why Does Our House Have A Basement?
- Underwater
- Epilogue
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes
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