Suffs videos

Suffs videos

Video for song: "Let Mother Vote"
Video for song: "Finish the Fight"
Video for song: "Find A Way"
Video for song: "Wait My Turn"
Video for song: "Terrell’s Theme"
Video for song: "The March (We Demand Equality)"
Video for song: "Great American Bitch"
Video for song: "Ladies"
A Meeting with President Wilson
Video for song: "Worth It"
Video for song: "If We Were Married"
Video for song: "The Convention Part 1"
Video for song: "This Girl"
Video for song: "The Convention Part 2"
Video for song: "Alva Belmont"
Video for song: "Show Them Who You Are"
Video for song: "The Campaign"
Video for song: "How Long?"
Video for song: "The Young Are At The Gates"
Video for song: "Respectfully Yours, Dudley Malone"
Video for song: "Hold It Together"
Video for song: "Wait My Turn (reprise)"
Video for song: "The Report"
Video for song: "Show Them Who You Are (reprise)"
Video for song: "Insane"
Video for song: "Fire & Tea"
Video for song: "Let Mother Vote (reprise)"
Video for song: "She and I"
Down at the State House
Video for song: "A Letter From Harry’s Mother"
Video for song: "I Was Here"
Video for song: "If We Were Married (reprise)"
August 26th, 1920
Video for song: "Lucy’s Song"
Video for song: "Finish the Fight (reprise)"
Video for song: "Keep Marching"
> > > Suffs videos
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes