See What I Wanna See synopsis
See What I Wanna See Synopsis - Broadway musical
The action takes place in Japan, where a girl Kesa plans a murder of her inamorato. During the act of love, she puts the dagger over a man, but sudden darkness hides the denouement of this scene.Very next scene depicts the events of 1950s in NYC. Police officer questioned the yardman – witness of the assassination, which occurred in the park at nite. The yardman, though uncertain, reports that crime was committed by a burglar. The officer questioned a burglar who did not even try to conceal a fact that he is responsible for the assassination. According to him, one late nite he saw the couple of Lily & Louie & that a woman provoked him to commit a crime – rape. Then the thief realized that he could only approach and be with such a woman if would remove opponent – her spouse. He lures them in the park, where rapes a woman & in a fight for her, kills her husband. Lily enters on the scene. She tells her version of events: when the husband found out that she had been raped, he wanted them to commit suicide together. She did not want to do so, but confided to his desire. At the last moment, she turned the point of the dagger to her husband & killed him. In the room entered the medium, which contacted the deceased spouse. He wants to tell his version of what had happened. Lily's husband believes that his wife felt passion for the thief & only hatred to him, so she told her paramour to kill him. The yardman ended his story, reporting that he took out a knife from Louie’s body.
In Act II reappear Kesa & her inamorato. Now two men conceive the murder of a mistress. But in the climax, the light fades out again. The action shifts to New York of 2002, where a priest confesses that he has lost his faith in God, because he cannot help people to survive their own tragedies (September 11, 2001). On top of the person’s suffering, his aunt-atheist scolds him for wasting his time in the church. The priest decides to arrange a grand deception & places the plates in the park with a notice that after 3 weeks Jesus appears here. In the park priest meets a homeless person, in the past – an accountant, for whom faith in God were salvation. Here he also meets a former actress, now – a drug addict. She believes in a miracle, because it gives her a sense of life.
Every day in the park comes a growing number of ordinary people & celebrities who want personally to witness the appearance of Jesus. Priest learns of a serious illness of his aunt & in a private conversation with her, she confesses that she lied to everyone all her life & secretly believed in God. The priest also meets a reporter, recognizing in him the person who on the day of the tragedy 9/11 did not run away from the falling building, but ran towards it to help people. Suddenly, the priest shouts to all the audience that the upcoming event is just his joke, but no one is listening, because all look with trembling to the heavens. Suddenly, out of the lake rises unexplained pillar, but nobody saw this sign. The crowd was disappointed that the miracle did not happen, someone was angry, while others quietly went home. The priest knows that his act was lies for all the people, but the truth just for him.
Last Update:July, 13th 2016