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The Adams Administration Lyrics > Hamilton

The Adams Administration Lyrics

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How does Hamilton the short-tempered
Protean creator of the Coast Guard
Founder of the New York Post
Ardently abuse his cab’net post
Destroy his reputation?
Welcome, folks, to

The Adams administration!

Jefferson’s the runner-up, which makes him the Vice President

Washington can’t help you now, no more mister nice President

Adams fires Hamilton
Privately calls him “creole bastard” in his taunts

Say what?!

Hamilton publishes his response

Sit down, John, you fat mother—[BLEEP]

Hamilton is out of control

This is great! He’s out of power. He holds no office. And he just destroyed President John Adams, the only other significant member of his party

Hamilton’s a host unto himself. As long as he can hold a pen, he’s a threat. Let’s let him know what we know

Last Update: November, 12th 2015

Hamilton Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Alexander Hamilton
  3. Aaron Burr
  4. My Shot
  5. The Story of Tonight
  6. The Schuyler Sisters
  7. Farmer Refuted
  8. You'll Be Back
  9. Right Hand Man
  10. A Winter's Ball
  11. Helpless
  12. Satisfied
  13. The Story of Tonight (Reprise)
  14. Wait For It
  15. Stay Alive
  16. Ten Duel Commandments
  17. Meet Me Inside
  18. That Would Be Enough
  19. Guns and Ships
  20. History Has Its Eye on You
  21. Yorktown
  22. What Comes Next?
  23. Dear Theodosia
  24. Non-Stop
  25. Act 2
  26. What'd I Miss
  27. Cabinet Battle #1
  28. Take a Break
  29. Say No to This
  30. The Room Where It Happens
  31. Schuyler Defeated
  32. Cabinet Battle #2
  33. Washington on Your Side
  34. One Last Time
  35. I Know Him
  36. The Adams Administration
  37. We Know
  38. Hurricane
  39. The Reynolds Pamphlet
  40. Burn
  41. Blow Us All Away
  42. Stay Alive (Reprise)
  43. It's Quiet Uptown
  44. The Election of 1800
  45. The Obedient Servant
  46. Best of Wives and Best of Women
  47. The World Was Wide Enough
  48. Finale (Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story)

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