Bounce (Part 3) lyrics
Bounce (Part 3)
Look at it!
Look at it! Look at it!
Addie, look at it--!
You see what's ahead?
I thought we were done.
Get ready to bounce.
You'd think, once you're dead--
Come on, we'll have fun!
What's happened to your bounce?
A road without end--
I can wait.
'Round the bend,
There's something great
To take by the throat--
That's a quote--
"When you see it, pounce."
Right, you're right,
And Papa was right, you're right--
We're still on our way--
That's what we do best--
Improving our bounce.
As Papa would say,
We're still heading west,
And that's the thing that counts.
We're still pioneers,
Like before--
A lot of frontiers
To explore.
Ready, set, go,
You know what that is, don't you? It's the
road to opportunity.
It's the road to eternity.
The greatest opportunity of all! Sooner or
later we're bound to get it right.
Last Update: June, 10th 2013