You lyrics - Bounce

You lyrics


Give them just an inch or so,
Till they feel fulfilled.
Ask a little quid pro quo--
Then you'll get your guild.

That's the way it has to go:
Artists, yes, need patrons.
Patrons, though, need matrons
Yearning to be thrilled.
Wait and see the house I'm going to build.

[[Mrs. Stotesbury]]
Look at it!


Look at it! Look at it!

[[Mrs. Stotesbury]]
Hollis, darling, you may put me at the head of the
list of sponsors for your artists' colony-- if Mr.
Mizner will design it, of course.

Just as soon as my schedule permits.

You--where have you been all my life?

[[Mr. and Mrs. Stotesbury]]
Look at it!

[[Four Aristocrats]]
Look at it!

[[All the Aristocrats]]
Look at it!

You--you're the answer to my prayers.

[[Mrs. Stotesbury]]
Notice the details!


You--you're one in a million.

[[Mr. Stotesbury]]
What's that? It's enormous!

Remember the breakfast nook?

You--where have you been all my life?

[[Mrs. Stotesbury]]
Wait til Lily Wanamaker sees it.

[[Aristocrat #1, Mrs. Geist]]
James, I want a house.

[[Mr. Geist]]
We have a house.

[[Mrs. Geist]]
I mean I want a house like hers.

[[Mr. Geist]]
Like that?

[[Mrs. Geist]]
LIke that, only different.

[[Aristocrat #2, Mrs. Trumbauer]]
I want a house.

[[Mrs. Geist]]
Write out a check.

[[Mr. Trumbauer]]
We have a house in Newport.

[[Mrs. Trumbauer]]

[[Mr. Trumbauer]]
We have a house in London.

[[Mrs. Trumbauer]]
I want a house down here.

[[Aristocrat #3, Mrs. Dupont]]
George, I want a house.

[[Mrs. Trumbauer]]
Write out a check.

[[Mrs. Dupont]]
I know we have a house,
I mean a winter house,
A house like Eva's
Only maybe with a swimming pool.

[[Aristocrat #4, Mr. Wanamaker]]
Let's build a house.

[[Mrs. Dupont]]
Write out a check.

[[Mrs. Wanamaker]]
Why build a house?

[[Mr. Wanamaker]]
Why not?
Jim is building,
Edgar's building,


[[Mrs. Wanamaker]]
I'll write a check.

[[Mrs. Stotesbury]]
I hate hotels.

--where have you been all my life?

[[Mrs. Stotesbury]]
We'll never have to stay at this hotel again.

[[Mrs. Wanamaker]]
I hate hotels.


[[Mrs. Wanamaker]]
Hotels are boring.

You're the answer to my prayers.

[[Mrs. Trumbauer]]
I hate hotels.

[[All the Aristocrats]]
I want a house!

[[Mrs. Wanamaker]]
Lovey, what's the man's name?


[[Mr. Wanamaker]]

You're one in a million!

[[Mrs. Wanamaker]]
Mr. Misner--




Where have you been all my life?



You have the vision--

They have the money--



Both have a dream.

I'd say we're a team.

Me, too.

Who knew that you'd come into my life?
Where have you been?

Ooh! Look at it!
Ooh! Look at it! Look at it! Look at it!
Mr. Mizner...
Mr. M..
Addie darling...

[[Mrs. Geist]]
You understand, we'll need
A cottage for the staff.

Of course.

[[Mr. Trumbauer]]
My wife insists we build
The house around a courtyrad.


We'll want a ballroom...
Include a bowling alley...
A conservatory...
A garage for the cars...
Could you add a guest house?...
Don't forget the wine cellar...
How about a breezeway?...
And there has to be a tennis court--

Ladies and gentleman, I assure you that Mr. Mizner
will build each of you the precise house that you desire.

[[Addison and Hollis]]
Where have you been all my life?

[[Mrs. Dupont]]
The ambiance--!

[[Mrs. Wanamaker]]
The travertine--!

[[Mrs. Trumbauer]]
The cupola--!

[[Addison, Hollis, and Aristocrats]]

[[All the Matrons]]

[[Addison and Hollis]]
--you're the answer to my prayers...

[[Mrs. Stotesbury]]
I'm so proud that ours was the first of his houses--

You, you're one in a million--

And with your commission--

And your ambition--

And their tradition
Of acquisition,
We'll build

A place
For a brand new world to play.
Where have you been all my life?
Don't go away!

Last Update: June, 10th 2013

> > > You
Musical: Bounce. Song: You. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes