To Play This Part lyrics
To Play This Part
To dance my dances
To sing my song
It’s all I’ve wanted
Alli've dreamed
My whole life long
Now that dream is coming true
It’s time for my debut
Doi want this? Yes i do!
With all my heart
It means everything
To play this part
Miss thorn.
Thank you, Tina.
(Tina exits, miss thorn motions into the wings.)
Hang on, Rachel. I am pleased to announce our cast
Has been invited on a school trip to new york city to
See a matinee performance of Henry VIi, part two,
Followed by dinner at the world-famous olive garden,
Times Square! Now here's Rachel Hobbs.
(Miss Thorn exits, Tina steps out from the wings.)
I love puppies
And Santa Claus
But they don't hold a candle
To applause
I pray to you on high
The casting agent in the sky
Cast me! Cmon!
I'll stay true to my art
Playing pippi, dare i say
Is my ticket to Broadway
It means everything
To play this part
(Tina remains onstage. Miss thorn enters.)
Miss Thorn.
I want to thank all our talented students, and some of our not-so-talented ones. Really, Rachel Hobbs, what on earth were you doing? This year we Are fortunate indeed. Not only is mike lerman, owner Of legman’s hardware, donating all the materials, he’s going to build our sets. And his wife, Betty Legman, along with all the gals at betty’s needle nook, is designing and making our costumes!
Last Update: October, 26th 2023