Kisses And Hugs lyrics
Kisses And Hugs
(eager to change the subject.)
I’m so very lucky that
You are my mother
If i had to choose
I would not choose another
Mommy and daddy
And Tina makes three
No other parents could ever be
As loving as my parents are to me.
(Judy tears up.) Why are you crying, mother?
Judy. Oh, Tina...
Accidents happen
That no one foresees...
Tina. I gotta run lines.
Judy. What?
Tina. I mean pray for Louise. (Smiles.)
You're taking this tragedy well
And that's grand
But if you want to cry
Or hold mommy's hand
Or even stop smiling I’d understand,
I'm good.
Judy. (Taken aback.) Good. (Stands.) Ill make you a sandwich.
Tina. (Quickly.)
1 think that my mommy
Could use some more kisses
Ill trade them for hugs
Oh what bliss this is
Last Update: October, 26th 2023