Wonder lyrics
I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves there grew
Of wind I sang, a wind there came and in them blew
In light I wove a secret land of timeless joy
My perfect child no mortal hand could dare destroy
Beyond the sun
Beyond the moon
Shine forever
Beacon of light
Blaze in the air
Vanquishing night
Live forever
Held like a breath
Deep at the core
Blossom in death
My golden leaves will fade and fall through branching years
Through sweet the song yet sweeter still shall be the tears
The night must come, the shadows grow, the dark descends
And all we love and all we know must reach an end
Though worlds will die and worlds will grow Out of death, life
Out of night, day, glory from sorrow
Out of grief, joy
Out of storm, comes strength for tomorrow
Out of dust, gold
Out of fire, air, comfort forsaken
Out of rage, calm
Out of loss, find, glory awaken
Shine forever
Beacon of light
Blaze in the air
Vanquishing night
Sing forever
Proud and strong
Anthem of life
Conquering song
Though tides of fate, onward run
The song of hope
Once begun,
Will evermore
Last Update: June, 10th 2013