Zombie Prom review
Zombie Prom Review - Broadway musical
The musical is based on a story by John Dempsey and Hugh Murphy. The action in the show takes place in 1950ies. The satirical show includes parodies on pop melodies and sentimental ballads. Despite rather pleasant rhythms, music performance does not stand out from the sounds of other similar spectacles. The retro-focus of the staging has allowed the organizers to use fashion and style of 50ies at the best. Bright green makeup applied to create the image of a zombie, suited more for a super-hero like Hulk, rather than to the embodiment of the living dead. Some critics regretted that the organizers of the show decided not to show in the course of the play stronger decay marks appearing on Jonny’s body. According to them, the musical would only benefit from this dismal picture. The theatrical is often produced by school and small theater troupes. Filled with humor, the plot tells the story in the spirit of a soap opera. Impatience to dissent and bitterness of principal of the school of own past mistakes, overcoming unimaginable obstacles between life and death by people in love, the return of the lost son and the future wedding – these and other musical pieces could be added to many Mexican soap operas or Indian films.Critics have variously estimated the satirical statement – some thought it amusing and fun, while others did not like mediocrity of the show and its excessive straightforwardness. Featuring a subculture of young people of that time, the authors were not able to convey fully the emotions and joy of life of their characters. Plot disadvantages overlapped by the presence of great artists involved in the production. Jessica Snow Wilson had beautiful vocal data – she played the role of Toffee. Comedic talent of Karen Murphy must also be noted, which was embodied in the image of the principal Delilah Strict. The audience was thrilled by the acting of this actress. According to the reviewers, Richard Roland could show own character more impressively – but the artist has created only a classic image of the monster, forgetting to add to it a pile of emotions, which led to a revival of the dead lover. Filmed 30-minute film based on this plot had a success with the audience. Though, it had some shortcomings – for example, simple inconsistency of the color skin of principal and Jonny (black and white). In 2015, Steve Longi and Michael J. Roth purchased the rights to the musical to create a full-fledged film. The script will be developed by Mark Landry and Vince Marcello. The appearance of a new film will attract public interest to this theatrical production and maybe even will result in the new full-capacity musical on Broadway.
Last Update:August, 16th 2016