No Honest Way lyrics
No Honest Way
Working hard's fine for some
Lacking intellect
Or dumb
Slaving day and night's no way to lighten my load
Carton and cruncher
Don't tell me to work an honest job
When it's easier to cheat and rob
Let another law-abiding slob take the high road.
There's no way you can thrive and keep honesty alive
Try to scale the moral peak and never backslide
Those with all the power in their hands
Get the law to bow to their demands
And the law abiding man just lands on his backside
And if you go to court tomorrow
He'll be on the stand.
A certain frenchman's up for treason put there by his hand!
There's a marquis quite grand with a nephew he can't stand
So good hearted any heartless chap should hate
But with just a couple lies from me
He'll be framed just like the mona lee
And they'll take him out and swiftly de- capitate him
For with no honest way it's hard to keep from doing wrong.
And with no honest way he has no choice but go along!
Look at him; like a tot. Should we wake him?
Better not.
What's this pokin' from his pocket
What's this token that he's got?
Why's he loaded down with all this wealth?
He'd be happier with just his health...
There's just no honest way
There's just no honest way
There's just no decent,
Law-abiding, honest way
Last Update: December, 25th 2013