Starlight Express Introduction lyrics - Starlight Express

- Act 1
- Overture
- Rolling Stock
- Taunting Rusty
- Call Me Rusty
- Rusty, You Can't Be Serious
- A Lotta Locomotion
- Pumping Iron
- Freight
- Entry of the National Trains
- Hitching and Switching
- Pearl, You've Been Honoured
- He Whistled at Me
- Race: Heat One
- That Was Cheating
- There's Me
- Poppa's Blues
- Belle the Sleeping Car
- Starlight Express Introduction
- Race: Heat Two
- Boy, Boy, Boy
- Race: Heat Three
- Laughing Stock
- Starlight Express
- Act 2
- The Rap
- Pearl Twirl
- U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D.
- Rolling Stock (Reprise)
- C.B.
- Race: Uphill Final
- I Was Robbed
- Right Place, Right Time
- I Am The Starlight
- He Whistled at Me (Reprise)
- Race: Downhill Final
- No Comeback
- One Rock & Roll Too Many
- Only He
- Only You
- Light at the End of the Tunnel
- Crazy
- Make Up My Heart
- Next Time You Fall In Love