Ilona lyrics - She Loves Me

Ilona lyrics


Come with me, ilona
I've missed you so much.
How I envy you each evening
when work is through
For I have only me to be with
While you have you.

How cold my lonely life has grown
Are you happy alone
Ilona, Ilona
My own

Come with me, Ilona
Come with me, cherie.
Mistletoe I long for someone
Please tell me who
Like some divine divining rod
It points straight to you.

The sunny nights we knew before.
If you'll just say the word
We'll know them
Once more.
Last Update: December, 14th 2013

> > > Ilona
Musical: She Loves Me. Song: Ilona. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes