She Loves Me review
She Loves Me Review - Broadway musical
Before we proceed directly to consideration of the musical, it is necessary to say a few words about the writer Miklos Laszlo. The latter has the ability to create truly unique romantic comedies. In addition to their main plot, they intrigue readers and show them really unusual story progresses. This is observed in novel ‘Parfumerie’ that formed the basis of this spectacular. Love line comes to the fore only at the end of the action, and the rest of the time is given to the problems of the relationship between the main characters, of which there are as many as seven people. As for the staging itself, the absolute majority of its events occurs within the perfume shop. After a while, viewers get used to stage design and no longer distracted by its details. In this situation, all the focus is on the characters and especially – on their emotions and feelings. It is very interesting to observe how the character of the heroes changes in connection with a particular incident.The success of the play was largely dependent on the play of actors. B. Baxley, B. Cook, L. Donath, N. Frey & J. Cassidy did not disappoint beholders, and at the appropriate level have realized their stage skills. The latter even won the prestigious Tony Award. Among the other artists, it is necessary to highlight B. Cook’s job. She had a chance to bring to life the most multi-faceted character of production – Amalia. The first appearance of Miss presented her as a strong and slightly emotional personality, able to cope with anything, just to get the job. But once in the perfume shop, Amalia changes dramatically and becomes, without exaggeration, the most romantic heroine of the spectacular. She no longer shows the rigidity of her character. Her main task becomes taking care of personal happiness and the felicity of close friends. During demonstrations, B. Cook literally became Amalia. Actually, it gave the corresponding result on stage.
Compositions have been made in an interesting style, which combined romance and a certain slice of humor. Many critics unanimously called music monotonous and quickly becoming boring. This has some piece of truth, but do not just give up due to this. The fact that Jerry Bock created music, which fits perfectly into the events in the play, but not able to interest the listener beyond it. An example can be a song She Loves Me. At a separate hearing, it does not cause any excitement, but playing in the acting, the track in a smart way emphasizes the atmosphere of the solemn moment. One view is hardly enough to cover all the charms of the considered creation. This is one of those cases where every new view reveals something neoteric: from the plot moves and musical performance, to the characters and acting.
Last Update:July, 13th 2016