Things to Remember (reprise) lyrics
Things to Remember (reprise)
When I think of the era in which I was raised
And I see how the world's gone to waste,
I confess that I'm constantly shocked and amazed
At man's singular lack of good taste.
For taste is like justice - we live by her laws.
It's so easy to tell right from wrong.
Most people don't bother;
Most people are whores.
And a few bores who do, don't for long.
There are so many things I remember
From the deeply revered days of old
When living was gentle and gracious
And working folk did as they're told.
They were wonderful days, I remember,
When a feller could live like a king;
And children were working in coal mines
And life was a beautiful thing.
But the fortunes of mankind are changing;
Things aren't what they were anymore;
And although I'm in no way complaining,
By Harris and Tweed, I preferred it before.
Ah, but why think of May in November
When December is all that you'll get?
Man lives with a lingering ember
And while there are beautiful things to remember
The ugly things one should forget!
Last Update: December, 08th 2013