Only You lyrics
Only You
Guido-Casanova Beatrice... Beatrice...
Only you will i ever see,
Forever will you be my true love.
I?ll forswear all others for thee,
No, never will i have a new love.
No new love, no new love,
And you will be my true love.
Guido-Casanova & Claudia-Beatrice No new love, no new love,
And you will be my true love.
Boudoir Nuns Casanova takes a vow,
Telling Beatrice now
There will never be another woman in his life but
Now until forevermore.
Maddelena-Maria (repeating Carla?s ?Vatican? moves)
Casanova, I?m still waiting for you!
Guido-Casanova Maria!
Boudoir Nuns Evermore.
Maddelena-Maria Cootchie-Coo...
Guido-Casanova (to Maria) Only you can stir in my breast
The fire of an endless passion.
Late tonight I?ll be in your bed.
Expect me in the usual fashion.
Our fashion, our fashion,
Ah, fire of an endless passion.
Guido-Casanova & Maddelena-Maria Our fashion, our fashion,
Ah, fire of an endless passion.
They proceed to make love in a farce of Guido-Carla
acrobatics, ending in wrist-wrestling on the floor.
Boudoir Nuns Casanova breaks a vow.
Where is Beatrice now?
There was not to be another woman in his life but
Now until forevermore, evermore. (They exit.)
La FleurCasanova!
Guido-Casanova Claudietta! (He goes to her. Claudia,
hearing her name, turns to watch. Note that Luisa and
Carla have observed the last ?scene?; a mockery of
their relationship with Guido )
Only you bring out from my soul
The poetry that i have written.
Not one line would i have composed
If i had not by you been smitten.
Claudia (angry at seeing the farce) Guido ... !
Luisa (totally humiliated, has seen enough, sings)
GUIDO... NO...!
Claudia, Maddelena, and La Fleur exit. Guido and Luisa
fight over harsh tarantella music.
Guido Luisa, ma the cosa?
Luisa Come hai potuto fare una cosa cosi?
Guido Che cosa? Che dici?
Luisa You?ve made a joke of my love!
Guido Ah, Luisa, to drammatizzi troppo!
Luisa Guido, mi sento ridicola! Davanti a tutti!
Guido Luisa, it?s only a farce!
Luisa My life is not a farce!
Spa people begin to enter for the film?s finale.
Guido (trying to quiet her) Luisa, it is only a film.
Capisci? Solo un film.
Luisa Ah-solo un film ... La mia vita, solo un film? Il
nostro amore, solo un film?
Guido Luisa, you?re taking this too seriously.
Luisa Ma hai tradito il nostro amore!
Guido Va bene! You feel betrayed? I?ll cut the scene from
the film!
Luisa (hand on heart) But not from here!
Guido Luisa, listen to me! As an artist I have to use
everything in my life! Everything!
Luisa Fine! Use it! But use it well! (She runs from him.)
Guido Luisa!
Luisa No, no more!
Guido Luisa!
Luisa Basta! Va? a lavoro. Va? all?inferno. Go to hell!
Guido, about to rush after her, cannot because the finale
is beginning and he must join in. Luisa sobs in a corner.
Carla stares aghast from another corner. Guido tries to act
as if all is well.
Last Update: June, 22nd 2013