Every Girl in Venice lyrics
Every Girl in Venice
Our Lady of the Spa Every girl in Venice is in love with
Every girl has kissed him once or twice.
Every girl in Venice is in love with Casanova.
As long as Casanova pays her price.
Every girl in Venice is expecting Casanova.
Every girl is combing out her hair.
Other Spa Ladies begin joining her, as they enter in their
boudoir costumes.
Counting every minute till they see their Casanova
And staring out their windows everywhere.
Every girl in Venice wants to hear from Casanova:
She will be the only girl for him.
Every girl is grinning ear to ear for Casanova
And waiting to attend his every whim...
Little Boys enter as pages, flanking La Fleur, dressed in
Claudia?s abandoned costume, mama Maddelena, and Claudia.
Guido enters.
Last Update: January, 27th 2014