Ugly Boy lyrics - Bat Boy

Ugly Boy lyrics

Ugly Boy

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! shutupshutupshutupshutup!
Such an ugly boy...

MEREDITH: He's just different.

SHELLEY: Like a stinky bony rat.

MEREDITH: Well, you wanted to keep him.

SHELLEY: I didn't know he'd look like that!

MEREDITH: Shelley!

SHELLEY: Well, look at him!
(Thunder clap)

MEREDITH: Oh my, its going to be quite a storm.

SHELLEY: Stupid starving freak.

MEREDITH: Shelley, that's not nice.

SHELLEY: Doesn't have the sense to eat.

MEREDITH: We just haven't figured out what he needs.

SHELLEY: Dropping dead right at my feet.

MEREDITH: Shelley!

SHELLEY: Just look at him...

MEREDITH: He's just... tired.

SHELLEY: That's my mom. See, she cries ev'ry time a stray dog dies.

MEREDITH: Well, I feel bad for them.

SHELLEY: No one calls.
MEREDITH: Sure they call...
SHELLEY: No one claims.
MEREDITH: Sometimes...
SHELLEY: So we put them down and never learn their names...

MEREDITH: Well, we can name him, sweetheart. What would you like to call him?


MEREDITH: Or maybe... Edgar. (calls to him) Ed-gar!

BATBOY- (looks at her) Gggnnnnnnwwgwooo?

MEREDITH: Look! He likes that name! Edgar it is!

SHELLEY: Such an ugly boy.

MEREDITH: I'll try to make him something to eat.

SHELLEY: Guess we can't just turn him loose.

MEREDITH: Stay away from the cage.

SHELLEY: I'm afraid he'll reproduce.
Last Update: June, 10th 2013

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Musical: Bat Boy. Song: Ugly Boy. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes