Prayer lyrics
No, stay
I don't care what you've said or done
Don't go away
Not now, when life had just begun
Come back, and be the woman who I knew
Help me to believe in you
What on earth am I to do?
She's gone, this vision who was not quite real
I must move on despite the pain
The pain will heal
Oh, Lord, how could you let me love like this?
No one dies upon a kiss
And only fools believe in bliss
And yes, God knows I am a fool
A man deluded by his wife
A figure ripe for ridicule
Who's lived a vain and useless life
So be it then, I'll play that game
I do not give a tinker's damn
I'll be a fool, it's all the same
It truly doesn't matter what I am
God, no!
I'm broken, but I'm still alive
And slowly I will feel my soul revive
With time, I'll find a way to right this wrong
If it takes my whole life long
Lord, I'll fight my battles all alone
But make me strong
Last Update: September, 25th 2014