It's Time lyrics
It's Time
BOYS: i'm freakin out stuck here on this street
GIRLS: i'm gonna die from being alone
BOYS: gotta go where theres people to meet
GIRL: hi jane
BOYS: hi mike
GIRLS: i'm boared
BOYS: i hear ya
BILLY: you said you'd call my phone never rang
GIRLS: hi friend it's me
BILLY: waiting for you my days getting blown
GIRLS: i'm up the wall
BILLY: i need to get with some of the gang
GIRLS: at noon i'm free
BOYS: i'm on
GIRLS: the mall
BOYS:it's time
GIRLS: let's get there
BOYS: we'll beg
GIRLS:we'll crawl
BOYS: we'lll bike
GIRLS: we'll get there
ALL: the malls the place
lets go we'll race
we'll hang
ALL: it's time
BILLY:time to hang with the gang out at the mall
ALL: it's time
BILLY: but my best friend still didn't call
ALL: it's time
BILLY: all the plans we made are in the crapper
ALL: it's time
BILLY: i'm so pissed i'm talkin like a rapper
ALL: it's time
BILLY: chew on this i'm pissed because you dissed me
ALL: it's time
BILLY: it was time to come home but you dissmed me
ALL: it's time
BILLY: look at me nothins worse crap than a little white polish boy from jersy talkin rap
BOYS: how about meeting you in this dump
GIRLS: seein you guys i'm totally thrown
BOYS:how bout we all hang out in a lump it's not
GIRLS: a date
BOYS: of course
GIRLS: no question
BOYS: we'll meet
GIRLS: walk
BOYS: we'll eat
GIRLS: talk
ALL: we'll flock
it's time
BILLY: time for us ya we're right in your face
GIRL: we grown up and we ownin the place
ALL:it's time
BOY: we're the big kids were bad and we're mean
ALL:it's time we go to flicks rated pg-13 it's time
GIRL:hang with us you won't hear no sweet talk
ALL: it's time
GIRL: shopping with a creit card and talkin street talk
ALL:it's time
BILLY: i am free i'm in charge of the mix
ALL: til my mom comes to pick me up at 6 it's time
Last Update: June, 10th 2013