Big review
Big Review - Broadway musical
Anyone who has not forgotten what it means to "be a kid", should definitely watch this musical at least because there are cultivated the most valuable and important values of our lives – sincerity, honesty, fear of being bad and courage to dare to adventure. The musical is about a little boy of 12 years who has become big because of his burning desire – to become adult because it is no fun to be small. We all go through it sooner or later in puberty or childhood, but when it is shown in the film with Tom Hanks, he believe that we would be the same cute, charming and good if we would suddenly matured in the 25-years old guy.The show, mainly in all terms and turns of the plot, follows the movie and we see as the most clean and light side of the character revealed by his sudden adulthood. And even at a time when he had almost forgotten what it means to be a child and grew up to the state of planning boring evenings with someone who serves as an additional step in your career – he did not blame all around, as adults do, but realized that the problem is in him. And that he betrays his real values that are important for him right now, at this moment. We have no doubts that his hero, when he grows up, will do spend time on boring and not interesting people simply because it is required in the society. If you want to develop and to achieve something, you sometimes must. But as now this life is not ok for him, he wasn’t ready to sink into the furnace of the swamp that pulls you in against your will.
Zoltar, which is a strange machine, wish-fulfilling, allowing the boy to grow suddenly into an adult man. And it lets him become little back again leaving him huge experience as a warning to the fact that dreams tend to come true. It is for real – we often want something, do not knowing what is actually expects us in the end of our desires. What if you actually will gain USD 100 million, as you have dreamt of? Will you be able not to lose your head, and behind it – yourself and money with your life, when suddenly rushed headlong into the maelstrom of disorderly expenses of such a fantastic wealth? Or if you would suddenly find yourself a beautiful, slender, sultry, tanned and just "candy" in all other respects, as you have dreamt of? Won’t you get tired of flurry of attention that you’ll suddenly experience? (On this occasion, by the way, there is a good movie from the USSR times).
The moral of this musical lies on the surface – be careful what you wish for – dreams come true!
Last Update:April, 06th 2016