Chris Is Here lyrics
Chris Is Here
I thought I said, "no kids around"
so what's that brat doing here
you better take care, I'm watching both of you
you, and your Engineer
sir, would you like a massage?
no thanks, it's not my scene
you can find boys at La Cage
where is he?
what is that look
he was right on the hook
don't tell me he slipped free
Engineer, Chris is here
John is going to get him
and bring him to me
my heart's ready to burst
I don't know what I'll tell him first
that guy is no one to trust
or a soldier who's just learned he's fathered a son
you got to get to Chris first
I will find his address now
before he can run
you can trust what he'll do
don't you worry
I'll mention you
don't screw with me little bitch
I don't want any hitch
you just do as you're told
you'll go to his hotel
I'll be working as well
guarding our bag of gold
tell me where, and I'll go
he is longing for me I know
you have brought me through the lightning
you have watched me from afar
you know all and you forgive me
loving parents that you are
please, let your daughter have your blessing go on, talk to your ghosts, little girl
on the life that starts today 'til you're blue
we must journey to a new world you have one chance, just one
he's here
talking to you
and I must be on my way I'm on my way
Last Update: October, 23rd 2014