Kiss Of The Spider Woman review
Kiss Of The Spider Woman Review - Broadway musical
Unfortunately, in the modern world, a person often should face cruelty and injustice that hardens character and sets more gloomy colors in the life. In such moments, there is a wish to be fenced off from surrounding environment and to create your own world. Production of musicals paid not so frequent attention to such subjects. Therefore, it is seldom possible to see the shows, which can transfer relevance of the question. However, creators of this drama managed to carry out this task. Two strangers are forced to share one chamber in the South American prison. One of them, the homosexual, sits for improper abuse of the under-age teenager. The second one, the journalist, has been imprisoned for his belonging to extremely left movements in the country. It seems that these two people will never be able to find a common language. But the general space and long joint pastime inevitably force heroes to make strong friendly relations.The most important advantage of the musical is an acting, which has embodied something tremendous on the stage. Of course, the greatest impression was made by game of the actor who played a role of the homosexual Molina. He managed to exhibit the man who hated cruelty and injustice of the world around and created his own world, in which he is a beautiful woman loved by all men. Of course, it is impossible to forget the actor who played the journalist, who recovers from anger thanks to Molina's attention. At last, the considerable share is occupied by the woman who has played at once three roles, each of which was exceptional part of the performance.
The director has connected several genres at once. Here the viewer will see both the distinguished psychological drama, and the extremely topical political thriller, and just something unusual. The main characters have embodied two types of the person in a crisis situation. The director intentionally opposed them to each other to prove that they are similar and will be able to survive only through common efforts. As for the scenario, there is a wish to read a novel of the same name already during watching. Going into details of the plot, it should be noted that it consists of three main layers. The first, main one, happens in the 80th in one of the South American prisons, which always was different with especially cruel attitude towards all prisoners. The second layer is memories of Molina. The third layer is a mysterious history of spider woman, who has to be fenced off from the world around because of her singularity. All these layers are crossed and let the viewer know several concluded meanings of the musical at once.
Last Update:April, 20th 2016