Come Home With Me II lyrics
Come Home With Me II
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Come home with me!
[EURYDICE, spoken]
It’s you!
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
It’s me.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Eurydice. Please, come home.
I’m not going back alone.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
But how’d you get here? On the train?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Nah, I walked.
I walked and sang.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
But how’d you get beyond the wall?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
I sang a song so beautiful the stones wept and they let me in.
And I can sing us home again.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
No, you can’t.
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Yes I can.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Are you always this confident?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
When I look at you I am.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
When you look at me, what do you see?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
I see someone stronger than me, I see somebody who survives.
... I see my wife.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
Why are you getting on your knees?
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
I’m asking you to marry me. Marry me. Say “I do”.
I came all this way to ask you to.
[EURYDICE, spoken]
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
[EURYDICE, spoken]
The two of us, you and me.
That is how it would have been, if the world was different.
But have you seen the world?
It isn’t beautiful! It doesn’t change for me and you, no matter how much we want it to!
Can’t you see she made a deal?
Gave her word, took a vow
See, it’s all been signed and sealed
She belongs to Hades now
She belongs to him
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
That isn’t true.
She belongs to him
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
It isn’t true.
She belongs to him
[ORPHEUS, spoken]
Say it isn’t true!
She belongs to him
[EURYDICE, spoken]
I do.
Last Update: February, 26th 2019