Days and Days lyrics - Fun Home

Cover for Fun Home album
Album lyrics:
  1. It All Comes Back (Opening)
  2. Sometimes My Father Appeared To Enjoy Having Children 
  3. Welcome to Our House on Maple Avenue
  4. Not Too Bad
  5. Just Had A Good Talk With Dad 
  6. Come To The Fun Home
  7. Helen’s Etude 
  8. Thanks For The Care Package 
  9. Al for Short
  10. Changing My Major
  11. I Leapt Out Of The Closet 
  12. Maps
  13. Read A Book 
  14. Raincoat of Love
  15. I Need More Coffee 
  16. Ring of Keys
  17. Let Me Introduce You To My Gay Dad 
  18. Shortly After We Were Married 
  19. Days and Days
  20. You Ready To Go For That Drive? 
  21. Telephone Wire
  22. It Was Great To Have You Home 
  23. Edges of the World
  24. This Is What I Have Of You 
  25. Flying Away (Finale)

Days and Days lyrics

Days and Days

Welcome to our house on Maple Avenue.
See how we polish and we shine.
We rearrange and realign.
Everything is balanced and… and…

Days and days and days—
That's how it happens:
Days and days and days
Made of lunches
And car rides
And shirts and socks
And grades
And piano
And no one clocks the day you disappear.

Days and days and days—
That's how it happens:
Days and days and days
Made of posing
And bragging
And fits of rage
And boys – my god, some of them underage!
And, oh, how did it all happen here?

There was a time your father swept me off my feet with words.
We read books,
Strolled through Munich at night,
Drank beer with friends,
Discussed the places we would go.
And he said I understood how the world made him ache.
But no, but no.

That's how it happens:
Made of bargains I made because I thought
As a wife I was meant to,
And now my life is shattered and made bare.
Days and days and days and days
And days and days and days.

Welcome to our house on Maple Avenue.
See how we polish and we shine.
We rearrange and realign.
Everything is balanced and serene.
Like chaos never happens if it's never seen.

Don't you come back here.
I didn't raise you
To give away your days
Like me.

Last Update: June, 10th 2013

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Musical: Fun Home. Song: Days and Days. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes