Al for Short lyrics
Al for Short
Hey, hey
How ya doin'? Oh.
Al - ison, yeah sure, Al for short.
Hey, yeah oh yeah,
This is my Mustang convertible,
I found it at the dump - pow!
I fixed it up myself - blam!
Want a ride?
I'm going to Paris.
No? Alright! See ya later, yeah?
I'm in Paris in my 'Stang,
On the Boulé Boulevard -
Oh no! Did that man just shove that lady?
Did he make her cry?
Pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle,
Je voudrais to make sure everything is...uh, d'accord here.
- Mindez-vous your business!
I grab his arm, twist it behind his back -
Excusez-moi, monsieur, but I believe I was talking to the mademoiselle!
Merci, merci, you are
Très très gallant, what is your appelle?
Al - ison. Alison.
Alison? S'il vous plaît
Could I ride with you in your Mustang?
I don't know what it is about you,
But you make me feel so safe. Ah!
I don't know what it is about you,
But you make me feel so safe.
Yeah, sure. Oh, yeah sure.
Al - ison. Alison.
Al - ison. Al for short!
Last Update: June, 12th 2015