Fun Home Lyrics
- It All Comes Back (Opening)
Sometimes My Father Appeared To Enjoy Having Children
- Welcome to Our House on Maple Avenue
- Not Too Bad
Just Had A Good Talk With Dad
- Come To The Fun Home
Helen’s Etude
Thanks For The Care Package
- Al for Short
- Changing My Major
I Leapt Out Of The Closet
- Maps
Read A Book
- Raincoat of Love
I Need More Coffee
- Ring of Keys
Let Me Introduce You To My Gay Dad
Shortly After We Were Married
- Days and Days
You Ready To Go For That Drive?
- Telephone Wire
It Was Great To Have You Home
- Edges of the World
This Is What I Have Of You
- Flying Away (Finale)
Development of the plot has been done by producers for 4 years, starting from 2009, when there were usual workshops, and then, after 2 years, the first readings held. A year later, subsequent studies were continued and only two actors from the initial team joined the production on Broadway. Continued changing the story, histrionics gained the new format in 2012 and in 2013 in it acted such ones: D. H. Pierce, J. Kuhn & M. Gyllenhaal, as a part of the pre-Broadway run in May. This play had such serious constant recycles that during 2011 – 2013 the play was literally changed every week and eventually became completely different from its original version, sometimes causing the displeasure of the actors that they had to read the new changes in it every night.
Finally, the official off-Broadway’s premiere took place in 2013 at The Public Theater and was closed at the beginning of the next year. Sam Gold was director, D. Zinn & B. Stanton were responsible for the lighting and costumes, respectively, and D. Mefford & J. Findlay were responsible for choreography and projections, respectively.
In 2015, there was another show at Circle in the Square Theatre, with the same director, with almost the same set of actors (except of three) and this version after 2/3 of the year of staying on stage, fully paid for costs and began to generate profits to producers. By the way, this histrionics’ cost has been relatively small, since the composition of actors and orchestra was not too big. In the fall of 2016, a cities tour must begin and the international production will be started from the capital of Philippines in 2016, where it is planned to use one of the leading Filipino actresses, Lea Salonga.
Release date: 2015
Last Update:February, 24th 2016