I've Got To Find A Reason lyrics
I've Got To Find A Reason
Look my friend do what’s best for you
Do what’s best for you
Look my friend I’m out of step with the rest of you
Is this the answer to your prayer
That’s fine, your prayer not mine
Your life not mine
The phony and fake with nothing to take
Or bring to the world
Just cling to the world for life
Look my friend I’m out of step with the rest of you
I’ve got to find a reason
For living on this earth
I’ve got to find a reason
For taking the space I take
Breathing the air I breathe
There’s more to this there’s more to me
Something in me that needs to
Do more than suck the breath from life
Like moss and leaves and weeds do
Holding up my head
Holding down a place
Being worth a name
To go with my face
I’ve got to find a reason
For living on this earth
Something to want
Something to be
Somehow to say
I am me
Last Update: June, 10th 2013