Wednesday lyrics
Blues Man:
Middle of the week day
Everybody on their way somewhere
You wanna go somewhere, too
But you?ve absolutely nothing to do
And every other person has a job except you
And every other person has a life except you
Isn?t that depressing, baby?
Whoop do do do do
Middle of the week day
You got your Tuesdays and your Thursdays
Your Saturdays and your Sundays
Your Mondays and your Fridays, your Fridays
Your weekends, see the point that I am making
Is that all the days are taken
Except the one right in the middle of this
Freaky, whack-a-diddle of a week
So to speak, well, that?s right
Wednesdays are all mine
Uncut Peruvian flake, the closest you get to God these days
How much?
Blues Man:
Fifty and a half
Wanna taste?
Blues Man:
Who are you?
John DeLaurian?
Alright, alright, alright
I?ll take it
Drain-o, drain-o for the brain-o
Drift away your Wednesday
Blues Man:
Yeah, middle of the week day
Last Update: June, 10th 2013