Land Of Betrayal lyrics - Two Gentlemen of Verona

Land Of Betrayal lyrics

Land Of Betrayal

We come from the land of betrayal
An indian word meaning hate
But the people smile all the time there
And the cultural advantages are great
Follow me.

The air that we breathe is polluted
The wars that we fight are the same
But no one is quite sure who leads us
So no one is ever to blame

Our principal export is lying
Truth, youth and beauty we ban
Our principal pasttime is loving
The kind they stamp made in japan

I must say you do look familiar
Could it be that you’ve ever been there’
We live in the heart of the city
Where deceit double-crosses despair.

I’m happy to talk of the old town
I see now i am not away
The town changed its name to everywhere
And i live in it every day

We come from the land of betrayal
An indian word meaning hate
But the people smile all the time there
And the cultural advantages are great

Come, you are now in the service of my lady, silvia.

(they exit right.

As proteus, julia, & lucetta exit
Stage right the duke enters from up
Center, looks around then blows his
Whistle. Thurio enters up center
Followed by three guards which he
Positions off stage to wait for
Valentine as he positions himself
On the second level stage left.
The duke has crossed down the right
Center steps into the audience and
We see valentine enter up left center
On his bike wearing a long cloak and
He rides down center)

Sir valentine.

Ah, sir valentine.

Whither away so fast’

Please it, your grace, there is a messenger
That stays to bear my letters to my friends,
And i am going to deliver them.

Be they of much import’

The tenor of them doth signify
My health and happy being at your court.

Nay then, no matter; stay with me awhile.
(the duke crosses the stage to
Down left to lean against a pole
As thurio crosses to valentine)

Ay, stay.

I am to break thee of some affairs
That touch me near, where in thou must be secret
‘Tis not unknown to thee that i have sought
To match my friend, sir thurio, to my daughter

I know it well, my lord, and sure the match
Were rich and honorable; besides, the gentleman
Is full of virtue, bounty, worth, and such qualities
Beseeming such a wife as your fair daughter.

You’re very perceptive

Sir valentine.
(he motions for valentine to come
Closer and thurio balances the
Bike as valentine crosses to the

My what a lovely bike!

There is a lady in milan here
Whom i affect; but she is nice and coy
And nothing esteems my aged eloquence.
Now, therefore would i have thee to my tutor ‘

And i would have thee for my tutor.

For long ago i have forgot to court;
Besides, the fashion of the time is changed ‘-
How and which way i may bestow myself
To be regarded in her sun-bright eye.
But she i mean is promised by her friends
Unto a youthful gentlemen of worth
And kept severely from resort of men,
That no man hath access by day to her

Why, then, i would resort to her by night.

Ay, but the doors be locked and the keys kept safe.

That no man hath recourse to her by night.

What lets but one my enter at her window’

Oh, no. Her chamber is aloft.

And built so shelving that one cannot climb it
Without apparent hazard of his life.

Why, then a ladder...

A ladder.

A ladder.

Oh, a ladder!!

A ladder made quaintly with cords
With a pair of anchoring hooks to cast up
Would serve to scale another hero’s tower,
So bold leander would adventure it.

(all laugh)

Now, as thou art a gentlemen of blood.
Advise me where i may have such a ladder.

Pray tell, when would you use it’

This very night.

(the duke removes his sunglasses)

(a threat)
For love is like a child
That longs for everything that he can come by.

By seven o’clock ...

Seven o’ Clock ...

I’ll get you such a ladder.

Hark thee: i will go to her alone.
How shall i best convey the ladder thither’

It will be light, my lord, that you may bear it
Under a cloak.

(the duke puts on his sunglasses.
Thurio goes into a dancing frenzy)

A cloak, a cloak, a cloak!

That is of my length.

A cloak as long as thine will serve the turn’

Ay, my good lord.

Then let me see thy cloak:
I’ll get me one of such another length.

Why, any cloak will serve the turn, my lord.

How shall i fashion me to wear a cloak’
I pray thee, let me feel thy cloak upon me.

(thurio has now reached valentine
And takes the cloak from his back
Exposing the rope ladder under the
Cape. As the duke prepares to blow
The whistle to bring on the guards)

(ad lib without accompaniment)
Night ladder so divine

(the duke blows the whistle and
The guards appear as thurio does
A dance with the cape. Valentine
Tries to escape. He is blocked at
The right)

Night ladder now you’re mine

(valentine tries to escape to the
Left. Once again the duke blows
The whistle and another guard appears
Stage right with army clothes which
Thurio takes after handing the guard
The cape)
Oh, nothing gladder than a long night ladder
(thurio hands the uniform to

(ad lib without accompaniment)
No need to look so quizzical
You just passed your physical

You have no future and no past
The army is your home at last

I don’t know why he looks so sad
Army life it ain’t so bad

He’s patriotic is this man
To god, to country, and milan
(duke & thurio exit up center.
Duke smiles at valentine just
Before exiting)

And why not death rather than living torment’
To die is to be banished from myself:
And silvia is myself: banished from her
Is self from self: a deadly banishment!

Valentine (cont’d)
What light is light, if silvia be no seen’
What joy is joy, if silvia be not by’
Unless it be to think that she is by,
And feed upon the shadow of perfection.
Except i be by silvia in the night,
There is no music in the nightingale;
Unless i look on silvia in the day,
There is no day for me to look upon:
She is my essence and i leave to be
If i be not by her fair influence
Fostered, illumined, cherished, kept alive.

(proteus enters)

Cease to lament for that thou canst not help
And study help for that which thou lamentst.
Time is the nurse and breeder of all good.
Here, if thou stay, thou canst not see thy love;
Besides, thy staying will abridge thy life.
Hope is a lover’s staff: walk hence with that
And manage it against despairing thoughts.
Thy letters may be here, though thou art hence;
Which, being writ to me, shall be delivered
Even in the dark ebony bosom of thy love.

(valentine starts to protest)

The time now serves not to expostulate:
Come, i’ll convey thee through the city gate;

(silvia runs on the top level
Of the stage)


Don’t look back. You’ll turn in to salt.
(proteus leads valentine off.

The ensemble runs on)

Now, now daughter.

Oh, you.
First i loved eglamour, and you sent him away
Now i love valentine and you sent him away
Why do you send away everyone i love’

Go back to your tower, dear.

I don’t want to go back to my tower.
No. No. Valentine! Valentine!

(duke carries silvia off)

My lord, my lord

(running back on)

She takes his going grievously.

No! No!
I just talked to her and she said you were a poet
And she mentioned how orpheus’ Lute was strung with poets’ Sinews
Whose golden touch could soften steel and stones
Make tigers tame and huge leviathans
Forsake unsounded deeps to dance on sands.

She said all that’

All that and more.

Last Update: December, 31st 2013

> > > Land Of Betrayal
Musical: Two Gentlemen of Verona. Song: Land Of Betrayal. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes