The Greatest Friend lyrics - The Thing About Men

Cover for The Thing About Men album
Album lyrics:
  1. Oh, What A Man!
  2. No Competition For Me
  3. Opportunity Knocking
  4. Free, Easy Guy (That Kind Of Guy)
  5. Free, Easy Guy (Reprise) 
  6. Take Me Into You
  7. Because
  8. The Confession 
  9. The Greatest Friend
  10. Downtown Bohemian Slum
  11. You WIll Never Get Into This Restaurant  
  12. Me, Too/One-Woman Man 
  13. Take Me Into You (Reprise) 
  14. Highway Of Your Heart 
  15. The Better Man Won
  16. Too Road To Lucy 
  17. Make Me A Promise, Thomas 
  18. New, Beautiful Man 
  19. Time To Go Home 
  20. Finale/You Can Have It All 

The Greatest Friend lyrics

The Greatest Friend

His name was Alex. He was my roommate
We had this funky bachelor pad, we picked up women, we were bad
We drove cross country, in his shit-ass Chevy
That thing broke down, around south bend
He was the greatest friend

His name was Franklin, my drinking buddy
Some nights we passed out on the floor, then we’d wake up and drink some more
We got arrested, for jogging naked
I thought the fun would never end
He was the greatest friend

Oh we swore we would always live close by
No matter our lives, our wives or our careers
Oh we formed a bond that would never die
I haven’t heard from him in years

So life gets funny, and time to end things
This bond I thought would always last, it’s now a footnote in my past

His name was Alex, His name was Franklin
As you grow old, you can’t pretend
It’s hard to make, a friend

Last Update: December, 27th 2013

> > > The Greatest Friend
Musical: The Thing About Men. Song: The Greatest Friend. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes