Take Me Back To Tulsa lyrics - Swing!

Take Me Back To Tulsa lyrics

Take Me Back To Tulsa

Where's that gal with red dress on some folks called her Dinah
Stole my heart away from me way down in Louisiana
Take me back to Tulsa I'm too young to marry
Take me back to Tulsa I'm too young to marry
Little bee sucks the blossom big bee gets the honey
Poor man raise the cotton rich man makes the money
Take me back to Tulsa...
Walk and talk to Suzy walk and talk to Suzy
Walk and talk to Suzy walk and talk to Suzy
Take me back to Tulsa...
We always wear a great big smile we never do look sour
Travel all over the country playing by the hour
Take me back to Tulsa...
Take me back to Tulsa...I'm too young to wed thee

Alt verse;
Went down to the railroad, laid my head upon the track
Thought about that gal of mine and I gradually eased her back

Last Update: February, 12th 2014

> > > Take Me Back To Tulsa
Musical: Swing!. Song: Take Me Back To Tulsa. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes