Leave The World Behind lyrics
Leave The World Behind
(On a 15 minute rest break rita is sleeping on her cot.
Bill appears in her dreams in his aviator gear.)
Come on!
Wake up!
It's time
To go
Up where the eagles fly
Where we can feel
The four winds blow
And watch the clouds roll by aviator angels:
Ahhh ahhh
When your earthly cares
Are a grind ahhh
Bill: aviator angels:
And you're left
With no peace
Of mind ahhh
Things work out
You're sure to find
When you leave when you leave
The world the world
You leave the world
Behind ahhh
Behind ahhh
(bill jumps up onto a busby berkeley dream plane,
Complete with chorine wingwalkers.)
Aviator angels:
Come on and wake up, we're flying
The feeling's electrifying
Up where the eagles...
Just take a breath
It's death-defying
Just feel the four breezes blowing
No need to know where you're going
Watching the clouds roll...
Aviator angels:
Bye-bye, don't fret, it's better knowing
When your earthly cares are a grind
And you're still left with no
Peace of mind
That things will work out
You're sure to find
Up here looking down on all mankind
Here where the air is so refined
When you leave the world...
(rita joins them on the plane, and as they fly through the sky,
The aviator angels tap dance on the wings, where they are joined
By rita. When the propeller stops during the dance, they grab on
To their safety-ropes for dear life, and rita almost falls.)
Hold on rita! Hold on! Grab my hand! Don't look down! Come on rita,
Hold on! 1 got you!
(bill pulls rita back in and the aviator angels slowly tap the
Propeller into starting up again)
(male wingwalkers appear on the plane.)
Men: women:
Come on!
Come on!
Wake up!
Wake up!
It's time
It's time!
To go
We're going
Up where the eagles fly
Up with the eagles
Where we
Where we
Can feel
Can feel
Men: women:
The four winds
The four winds blow
And watch the
Clouds roll by
And watch the clouds roll by
Yes, watch the clouds roll
Gently by...
(the men carry the aviator angles off into
The sky leaving rita and bill behind)
Bill & rita:
When your earthly cares are a grind
And you're left with no peace of mind
(bill carries rita down from the plane and
Puts her carefully back onto her cot.)
Fly and leave the world behind
Climb aboard and leave the
World behind
(bill kisses rita, and then disappears
Into the shadows as the dream ends.)
Scene: nighttime on the pier
Last Update: December, 22nd 2013