Everybody's Girl lyrics
Everybody's Girl
And now, sizzling shelby stevens!
A long time ago
A lady whose name was carmen
Drove a man wild
Until he was out of control
I truly believe
That i am a modern day carmen
In spite of the fact
I do not habla espa?ol
That girl was exactly like me
We share this philosophy
Ol?, i say
I'm not the type who's ready
For datin' someone steady
I'm everybody's girl
On sunday night it's danny
On monday maybe manny
I'm everybody's girl
There's a point to my behavior
Which is:
Smart girls always share their riches
So, if your heart succumbs
Don't let it
You're certain to regret it
All others, come and get it
I'm everybody's girl.
I could never be a cowhand's
La la la la la la
And you wanna know why?
I just can't keep my calves together.
I'm everybody's girl
Some old greek called aristotle
Said it
If you got it, why not spread it?
So don't go rattling any sabres
Exerting any labors
Just share me with the neighbors
I'm everybody's girl
In case your passion rages,
I'm (n the yellow pages
I'm... Girl.
You won't be disappointed
I'm also double-jointed
I'm everybody's girl
Though it leaves a lot of fellas
I'm a person
Needs disbursin'
And so to reaffirm my status
It's absolutely gratis
To use my apparatus
I'm everybody's girl
Men and me are like pianos. When they
Get upright, i feel grand!
Everybody's girl!
Last Update: December, 22nd 2013