Dancing Is Not a Crime lyrics
Dancing Is Not a Crime
Ren Garvin, Jeter, Bickle & Willard
Dancing is not a crime
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ever since the dawn of time
If anything, everybody had
The right to howl at the moon
And to move all night Ah-ooo
Move all night
When folks were tribal -
Back before the bible -
They were liable to dance
When the crops came in
Or they'd pull out all the stops
When the earth would spin
Or maybe
They had a battle to win
So they'd go thumpin' on a tree trunk (thump, thump, thump, thump)
Grooving to the free funk
And just like that
In nothin' flat
There'd be hands clappin'
Toes tappin', feet flappin'
Dogs yappin'
Hey! Hey!
I coulda told you that would happen
They would dance
They would dance
Every time they had the chance
Whatever the season
or circumstance
They found a reason to throw a
party in their pants
And they'd dance
They would dance
Yeah, dance Yeah!
They would dance
Oh, dance Dance
They would dance
Yeah, dance Dance
They would dance
(gavel raps)
(Ren opens a Bible)
So if you've heard about
Adam and Abraham, you will
Remember this guy from the
Book of Sam-uel. David?
Y'know, Kind David?
He make a science outta
knockin' out giants
The bigger they come
The harder they fall
He didn't like math or
geography, but, check Check this out:
this out:
He loved choreography!
(Ren does a few steps)
Careful, Ren
There's a law
Now what were you saying
To Reverend Shaw?
Right here, in black and white
Says he was "leaping and dancing
with all of his might"
Leaping and dancing Leaping and dancing
in front of his Lord
But David wasn't doing it
for some reward
No, no, no, no
It might sound odd
But David thought it brought him
closer to God
So he would dance
Every time he had the chance
Whatever the season Whatever the season
or circumstance or circumstance
He found a reason to throw
a party in his pants In his pants
And he'd dance
He would dance
So dancing doesn't always
make you do nasties
Look at the Book of Ecclesiastes
There's a time to laugh
A time to weep
There's a time to plant
A time to reap
And there's a time And there's a time
to dance to dance
It says it right here right here
Right here
Man doth dance
And it was good
And if the Bible tells me so
Then what have I got to fear?
Got no fear
We only wanna kick our heels
And I betcha ev'ry one of you knows
how that feels
I betcha do
They do
Uh huh
I betcha do
They say they don't
But we know they do
People been dancing
since God knows when
And that's the way
it should be again
So let's dance Hal-le-lu
Ev'ry time we get the chance Let's dance
Whatever the season
or circumstance
Find a reason to throw Find a reason
that party in your pants
And then
Dance Dance
Amen Whatever the season
Dance dance dance dance Dance dance dance dance
Whatever the season Whatever the season
Or reason Or reason
It's pleasin' It's pleasin'
To dance To dance
Last Update: March, 28th 2014