Unlikely Lovers lyrics
Unlikely Lovers
Who'd believe that we two
Would end up as lovers'
Do you want me to reply'
Him and me, you and I,
Passionately lovers.
Please don't get morbid.
It's just-
Don't fight.
That I haven't died yet.
Just stop it.
I'm sick, but kicking.
Good night.
I'm staying here in this spot,
Whether you want me to or not.
I'm staying.
Here I am, by your side,
One old horny lover.
Please go home and don't be scared.
What's the fuss' I'm not scared.
What good is a lover who's scared'
Hit me if you need to.
Slap my face or hold me till winter.
Oh, baby, please do.
I love you too,
My lover.
Marvin, just go home and turn on TV.
Drink a little something till you're 'dead'.
Think of me around,
Sleeping soundly in our bed.
Marvin, did you hear what I said'
Shut your mouth, go to sleep.
Time I met a sailor.
Are you sleeping yet or
What is what' Whizzer, but
I can't help but feeling I've failed.
Let's be scared together.
Let's pretend that nothing is awful.
There's nothing to fear.
There's nothing to fear'
Just stay right here.
(Marvin and Whizzer)
I love you.
(Charlotte and Cordelia enter)
Shhh. Maybe he's tired.
Shhh. Maybe he's waiting for us.
Shhh. Maybe he's waiting for a visit.
(Charlotte and Cordelia)
Is it a bad time' We'll come back.
If it's a bad time, we'll come back.
(Whizzer motions for them to come in)
We'll come in.
Look at us, four old friends,
Four unlikely lovers.
We don't know what time will bring.
I've a clue.
I have too.
(Charlotte and Cordelia)
Let's look like we haven't
(Charlotte, Cordelia, and Marvin)
And each say nothing.
(points up) Sky!
It's blue!
I love the sky!
I love the trees!
I love bad weather!
I love the earth beneath my feet!
I love friends that hover!
(Marvin, Whizzer, Charlotte, and Cordelia)
Gee, we love to eat
And we need something sweet
To love!
What a group we four are,
Four unlikely lovers.
And we vow that we will
Buy the farm, arm in arm,
Four unlikely lovers with heart.
Let's be scared together.
Let's pretend that nothing is awful.
(Whizzer, Charlotte, and Cordelia)
There's nothing to fear.
There's nothing to fear.
(Whizzer, Charlotte, and Cordelia)
Just stay right here.
I love you. (Whizzer to Marvin, Charlotte to Cordelia)
I love you.
(Whizzer, Charlotte, and Cordelia)
I love you. (Charlotte/Cordelia to Marvin/Whizzer)
I love you.
(Marvin, Whizzer, Charlotte, and Cordelia)
Who'd have thought that we four
Would end up as lovers'
Last Update: February, 10th 2016