Boy From Oz, The synopsis
Boy From Oz, The Synopsis - Broadway musical
This show is in the traditions of musicals tells the story of the formation of a life and career of the Australian singer by the name Peter Allen, which rises and falls. He first sang in local bars for the money, and then grew up and joined the local singer, cooperation with which has helped him jumping across the ocean for the first time, where he met Judy Garland. He was fascinated by her and persuaded her to take him to her show in New York. Being in the show, he met with a daughter of Judy, Liza, and they are, after falling in love and after candy-flowers period, getting married, despite rumors that Peter had abnormal orientation.Liza Minnelli, his wife, was quite working for her career, while her husband leaded a very lavish lifestyle, constantly giving her hints that he is a gay. After the death of Judy, the two of them mourned her and her daughter Liza was completely suppressed by this fact. After their marriage breaks up in the wake of accusations by Lisa of her husband’s frivolous views on gender relations, Peter returned to his home in Australia, knowing that he had already changed.
After some time, Peter is convinced of his inclination to same-gender relationships and encounters Gregory Connell, a catwalk and just a model and falls in love with him. Latter, in turn, falls in love with Peter, but does not want to be a part of his life in show business, wanting to be with him, not to breaking apart. When they met on their way a producer named Dee Anthony, the latter arranges career of Peter and it ascents. He receives an Oscar for his performance and for covers of the songs that were originally performed by Frank Sinatra. After he gave his best performance with The Rockettes, another surprise was waiting for him – his mother has fallen in love.
The pair of Gregory and Peter learns after about having AIDS and try to comfort and support each other in this disease, but eventually give in to it. Before his death, Peter organizes excellent farewell show to make people remember him through his career. But he could never reveal the reason of his death to his mother.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016