Until Tomorrow Night lyrics
Until Tomorrow Night
You didn't jump up and down enough when Sandra won,
And you didn't even cry when you won yourself!
The judges are looking for lots of emotion!
Give them emotion!
We'll get rid of those dumb little bows that you wear,
Line your eyes with a little more white.
We'll sneak just a hint of gold spray in your hair,
So it shines when it catches the light.
Tomorrow night!
Well here it goes, the tension mounts,
My cool is draining ounce by ounce,
'cause this is the part where it starts to get strange here?
I'm so strung out, I'm so done in,
I hope this won't affect my skin,
Don't think I can deal, 'cause I feel a new change here.
What do they want from me and how can I be it?
Or if I am it, can I get them to see it?
I need a sedative,
My fingers shake, my brain's a sieve,
I've only got so much to give
How will I live,
Until tomorrow night?
I sense a feeling in this place,
It's making me a basket case,
The stakes are too high, they unnerve and unglue me.
I can't cool off, I can't relax,
Do kids my age have heart attacks?
I'm too young to die! Why's it happening to me?
What do they want from me? I'll do it I swear it!
Just say what color do they like, and I'll wear it!
Look there's a windowsill,
I think I'll jump. I won't! I will!
Why not there's nothing left to kill?
My heart be still,
Until tomorrow night!
I can't believe she won,
'Cause when it's said and done,
She really doesn't deserve it!
I can't believe this s***,
That guacamole bit?
And people stood there watching her serve it!
I can't believe it worked,
The way she grins and smirks,
And then just walks away with the prize!
I'm seeing red right now
I'm gonna figure how,
To cut that Spanish kid down to size!
Tomorrow night the axe descends
Will I get through?
Well that depends,
I can't get to sleep, I keep tossing and turning!
I keep reviewing in my head,
The things I did, the things I said,
I wish I knew how many points am I earning!
What do they want from me? I'll do it, I wanna!
Who do they want to see, Snow White or Madonna?
How have I done so far?
I wish I looked like Terry Garr!
I wonder what my chances are?
It's all bizarre
Until tomorrow night!
Until tomorrow night!
Until tomorrow night!
Until tomorrow...
*dialogue* (ends with "Let's you and me have a talk"
Oh God, it's bad, it's getting worse,
I need a shrink I need a nurse,
My heads gonna blow! And my tummy comvulses?
My breath is gone, my temples ache,
I'm verging on a nervous break,
I don't want to know what the rate of my pulse is!
What do they want to see, a cute future surgeon?
A saint, a PHD, an athlete, a virgin!
A giving, living doll,
Who's not too short and not too tall!
I've got to keep my wits on call!
And be it all!
Until tomorrow night!
Listen close, Rob
and be smart Rob
You've got something they see
I just know, Rob
You can win, Rob
If you listen to me
I've got so much to teach
'bout your walk and your speech
and your gown!
and your make up, your hair!
Sit right there
Gotta get it all down!
By tomorrow night!
How will I live until tomorrow,
As soon as they turn out the light?
Picture the blazing auditorium,
How will I get through the night?
(Next parts overlap a bit)
Okay, Bob, don't overreact, don't go and make too much of it
Stress is a sickness in these situations
We all may have a touch of it
What's with Brenda? What's going on?
Don't go and make too much of it
Stress is a sickness in these situations we all may have a touch of it
But she's so high strung
I guess maybe she'll relax tomorrow
maybe she'll relax tomorrow
maybe she'll relax tomorrow
Eighteen years ago
See I'm doing much better now
And it's funny how
I feel wide awake
I feel tense but young
How to wait until tomorrow
How to wait until tomorrow
How to wait until tomorrow
You can do it, Rob!
We'll stay up til dawn
Okay, take that off!
Okay, put this on.
You can do it Rob!
Only got until tomorrow!
Only got until tomorrow!
I'm a typical high school senior,
Who's got nerves,
I'm all nerves!
I'm all nerves!
I'm all nerves, I'm all nerves, I'm all nerves, I'm all nerves!
Tomorrow night they turn the screws
and one will win the rest will lose
I'm paying my dues!
but I don't understand it
The messages they send are mixed
my brain is broken, can't be fixed
Tomorrow they choose
I don't know what to hand them
What do they want from me, God knows, I've been trying!
They say relax and be yourself, but they're lying!
So I'm in mortal fear,
I cannot take this atmosphere!
I need a joint, I need a beer,
Please someone get me out of here!
It's all too much, and so in sum,
I've lost my equilibrium,
I feel so fat, I feel so dumb,
I need to know the end will come in sight!
It will tomorrow night!
Oh god, it will, alright
To-morr-ow night!
Tomorrow night, tomorrow night, tomorrow night, tomorrow night,
Tomorrow night!
Last Update: March, 03rd 2014