Nerves lyrics - Smile

Cover for Smile album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Overture
  3. Opening (Typical High School Senior)
  4. The Very Best Week Of Your Lives
  5. Dear Mom 1
  6. Disneyland
  7. Shine Shine Video
  8. Dear Mom 2 Dear Mom 2 Video
  9. Bob's Song Bob's Song Video
  10. Nerves
  11. The Ramp Scene 
  12. Young And American Young And American Video
  13. Until Tomorrow Night
  14. Act 2
  15. Entr'acte 
  16. Opening - Act Two 
  17. Smile Smile Video
  18. We Wish We Were You 
  19. In Our Hands In Our Hands Video
  20. There Goes The Girl There Goes The Girl Video
  21. Finale Finale Video

Nerves lyrics


BRENDA: (Voice Over) Good morning ladies. It's six A.M. Outa your beds and into the showers. Please take a minimum of time with hair and makeup this morning- we'll understand. Today is judge's conference day and it's what's inside that counts.

HEIDI: I woke up stiff.
DANA: I woke up sore.
GINA: My back feels like it just came through the third world war.
CONNIE-SUE: My throat is raw. It feels like strep.
PATTI-LYNN: I can't remember yesterday, not one damned step. (Speaking) Was it toss two kick or kick two toss?
SANDRA-KAY: I've got split ends. No wonder since I haven't had a second to go buy cream rinse.
COOKIE: Will they let up? When will they stop?
HEIDI: And gice a girl a break, a chance to breathe and shop.
ALL: Hip hip hooray. We meet the judges today.
CONNIE-SUE: But nothing budges today-
DANA: I am so beat

HEIDI: What do you want to be when you grow up, dear?
GINA: Asleep.

ALL: Anchors away. They interview us today.
COOKIE: And try to screw us today!
CONNIE-SUE: Okay, let's eat.
(Speaking) I hope they got pancakes.
TRUDI: Guess again.
(Singing) It's powdered eggs
KIMBERLY: I hate that goo.
KATE: I woke up with my period.
VALERIE: Of course. Me too.
DEBRALEE: This oatmeal's cold.
TRUDI: This bacon's damp.
KIMBERLY: They fed us better stuff than this at Girl Scout Camp.
ALL: And someone's up there making guacamole, mashing avocados since late last night!
VALERIE: She's gonna win the crown with avocados.
SHAWN: I really doubt it... she's not white.

BRENDA: (Speaking) Ladies. Carol's passing out the day's schedule complete with your private judges interview appointments. You've been scheduled at random, not alphabetically. Oh girls- isn't it all exciting?

PATTI-LYNN: Yeah, I'm just thrilled.
CONNIE-SUE: I think I'll burst.
DORIA: Oh god, I'm gonna kill myself. They put me first.
ALL: My hair's still wet; my brain's still numb, but someone tell the lions, here the Christians come
BIG BOB: (Speaking) Okay Brenda, we'll start calling the girls in now...
GIRLS: (Singing) I've got nerves...
BRENDA: (Speaking) Doria Hudson, please...
GIRLS: (Singing) I'm all nerves...
ROBIN: (Speaking) Good luck...
GIRLS: (Singing) A walking, talking, balking bundle of nerves!

Last Update: February, 10th 2016

> > > Nerves
Musical: Smile. Song: Nerves. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes