Nerves lyrics
BRENDA: (Voice Over) Good morning ladies. It's six A.M. Outa your beds and into the showers. Please take a minimum of time with hair and makeup this morning- we'll understand. Today is judge's conference day and it's what's inside that counts.
HEIDI: I woke up stiff.
DANA: I woke up sore.
GINA: My back feels like it just came through the third world war.
CONNIE-SUE: My throat is raw. It feels like strep.
PATTI-LYNN: I can't remember yesterday, not one damned step. (Speaking) Was it toss two kick or kick two toss?
SANDRA-KAY: I've got split ends. No wonder since I haven't had a second to go buy cream rinse.
COOKIE: Will they let up? When will they stop?
HEIDI: And gice a girl a break, a chance to breathe and shop.
ALL: Hip hip hooray. We meet the judges today.
CONNIE-SUE: But nothing budges today-
DANA: I am so beat
HEIDI: What do you want to be when you grow up, dear?
GINA: Asleep.
ALL: Anchors away. They interview us today.
COOKIE: And try to screw us today!
CONNIE-SUE: Okay, let's eat.
(Speaking) I hope they got pancakes.
TRUDI: Guess again.
(Singing) It's powdered eggs
KIMBERLY: I hate that goo.
KATE: I woke up with my period.
VALERIE: Of course. Me too.
DEBRALEE: This oatmeal's cold.
TRUDI: This bacon's damp.
KIMBERLY: They fed us better stuff than this at Girl Scout Camp.
ALL: And someone's up there making guacamole, mashing avocados since late last night!
VALERIE: She's gonna win the crown with avocados.
SHAWN: I really doubt it... she's not white.
BRENDA: (Speaking) Ladies. Carol's passing out the day's schedule complete with your private judges interview appointments. You've been scheduled at random, not alphabetically. Oh girls- isn't it all exciting?
PATTI-LYNN: Yeah, I'm just thrilled.
CONNIE-SUE: I think I'll burst.
DORIA: Oh god, I'm gonna kill myself. They put me first.
ALL: My hair's still wet; my brain's still numb, but someone tell the lions, here the Christians come
BIG BOB: (Speaking) Okay Brenda, we'll start calling the girls in now...
GIRLS: (Singing) I've got nerves...
BRENDA: (Speaking) Doria Hudson, please...
GIRLS: (Singing) I'm all nerves...
ROBIN: (Speaking) Good luck...
GIRLS: (Singing) A walking, talking, balking bundle of nerves!
Last Update: February, 10th 2016