Opening (Typical High School Senior) lyrics - Smile

Cover for Smile album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Overture
  3. Opening (Typical High School Senior)
  4. The Very Best Week Of Your Lives
  5. Dear Mom 1
  6. Disneyland
  7. Shine Shine Video
  8. Dear Mom 2 Dear Mom 2 Video
  9. Bob's Song Bob's Song Video
  10. Nerves
  11. The Ramp Scene 
  12. Young And American Young And American Video
  13. Until Tomorrow Night
  14. Act 2
  15. Entr'acte 
  16. Opening - Act Two 
  17. Smile Smile Video
  18. We Wish We Were You 
  19. In Our Hands In Our Hands Video
  20. There Goes The Girl There Goes The Girl Video
  21. Finale Finale Video

Opening (Typical High School Senior) lyrics

Opening (Typical High School Senior)

Dale Shears
Spoken: Hi I'm Dale Wilson Shears,
President of the young American Miss foundation with a public service
message from our national headquarters in baton rogue Louisiana.
I'd like to urge your local group to become a part of the young American miss experience,
thus joining thousands of Jcs, Elks, Lions, Bears, Kowanians,
Mystics, and Rotarian's nationwide.

[Thanks to Alyssa for lyrics]
Last Update: December, 17th 2013

> > > Opening (Typical High School Senior)
Musical: Smile. Song: Opening (Typical High School Senior). Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes