No, I'll be brave lyrics - Pirates of Penzance, The

No, I'll be brave lyrics

No, I'll be brave

MABEL: (almost fainting) No, I'll be brave!
Oh, family descent,
How great thy charm, thy sway how excellent!
Come one and all, undaunted men in blue,
A crisis, now, affairs are coming to!

(Enter POLICE, marching in single file)
SERGEANT: Though in body and in mind

POLICE: Tarantara! tarantara!

SERGEANT: We are timidly inclined,

POLICE: Tarantara!
[ From:]

SERGEANT: And anything but blind

POLICE: Tarantara! tarantara!

SERGEANT: To the danger that's behind,

POLICE: Tarantara!

SERGEANT: Yet, when the danger's near,

POLICE: Tarantara! tarantara!

We manage to appear


As insensible to fear
As anybody here,
As anybody here.

Tarantara! tarantara!, etc.
Last Update: July, 02nd 2013

> > > No, I'll be brave
Musical: Pirates of Penzance, The. Song: No, I'll be brave. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes