Rag Offen The Bush lyrics
Rag Offen The Bush
Just remember, your Government is spending
one million dollars on one bomb just to blow your
homes off the face of the Earth. So show your
Don't that take the rag off'n the bush?
Don't that take the tassel off'n the corn?
Of all the very ordinary most unloved unneccesary
Places on this earth they settled on your'n
They settled on your'n
As sho' as you're born
They settled on your'n
Don't that take the cake
At the church social bake,
Don't that take the huckleberry pie?
Think of all the rest
Thinkin' we is the best,
It clear makes you bust right down and cry
Don't that take the tail off'n the bear?
Don't that take the heffer out of the barn?
Of all the very ordinary, most unloved, unnecessary
Places on this earth, the fav'rite is our'n
The fav'rite is our'n
Not anyplace fur'eign
The fav'rite is our'n!
(Dance Routine)
Don't that take the beard off'n a goat?
Don't that take the nap off'n the yarn?
Of all the very ordinary, most unloved, unneccesary
Places on this earth, the fav'rite is our'n
Don't that take the rag off'n the bush?
Don't that take the tassel off'n the corn?
Of all the very ordinary, most unloved, unneccesary
Places on this earth, the fav'rite is our'n......DOG PATCH!
Last Update: June, 10th 2013