Glory Days review
Glory Days Review - Broadway musical
The new musical, which cornerstone the heartfelt history about the matured friends, was born by Gardiner's and Blaemir's efforts. The history shows what it means to be young, and is not seasoned with excessive dramatization or doesn't consist storming teenage hormones."Glory Days" won't surprise the viewer with radical subject peripeteias, unexpected events and a lot of action, but will acquaint with the world of the average children comprehending how people change with the age.
The characters, created by joint efforts, turned out live, sincere, timid and, at the same time, expressional. It seldom turns out to represent truthfully teenagers, with their internal torments and problems, but in this case, actors passed the task perfectly. Perhaps, the matter is, that the Blaemire-Gardiner duet stepped not so long ago over a twentieth anniversary by itself and understanding of the other young people's psychology is absolutely correct, they precisely know what they are speaking about, and their confidence is delivered to the actors.
The men really perfectly got used to the roles: Steven Booth as the sensitive main character, silly Andy – A. C. Call, a cynical Skip (Adam Halpin) and Jessie P. Johnson, which starred as contradictory Jack with his secret.
Scenery in this theatrical doesn’t play any role. Probably, the location is supposed to be chosen absolutely incidentally. Here, in the center of attention – the psychological conflict, which inflames between the boys. Friends philosophize, quarrel, and try to find themselves that is perfectly felt with lyrical and sincere songs.
That’s impossible to call the musical a very popular one, but despite it, similar works always find the viewer, whom youthful experiences will be close to or who will be simply able to estimate high-quality and hard work.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016