Nothing Stops Another Day lyrics
Nothing Stops Another Day
I see the sunrise from my window
It must have risen everyday
But I couldn’t see at all
The shadows were too tall
But I'm seeing it today
I could see the people speaking
Couldn’t hear a word they'd say
Just the echo of it all, passing through an empty hall
I’m hearing it today
Because the world keeps turning and I guess it always will
I can choose to turn around
Or I can choose to just stand still
Either way, nothing stops another day
I lost my life and all its meaning
And so I locked myself away
Padding my heart behind a wall
I couldn’t feel it beat at all
But I’m feeling it today
Because the world keeps turning and I guess it always will
I can choose to turn around
Or I can choose to just stand still
Either way, nothing stops another day
I know I have to let go
Of a life I’ll never know, hard as it may be
I’m trying to understand instead there’s another life ahead
Because the tallest mountain cannot stop the smallest stream
Winter can’t hold back the spring
No matter how dark it may seem
Come what may, nothing stops another day
Come what may
Nothing stops another day
Last Update: February, 25th 2016