Who I Was lyrics - Bandstand

Cover for Bandstand  album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Just Like It Was Before 
  3. Donny Novitski
  4. I Know A Guy 
  5. Ain't We Proud 
  6. Who I Was
  7. Just Like It Was Before (reprise) 
  8. First Steps First 
  9. Breathe 
  10. You Deserve It 
  11. Love Will Come and Find Me Again Lyrics
  12. Right This Way Lyrics
  13. Act 2
  14. Entr'acte 
  15. Nobody
  16. I Got a Theory 
  17. Everything Happens 
  18. Welcome Home 1
  19. A Band in New York City 
  20. This is Life
  21. Welcome Home 2
  22. Finale 

Who I Was lyrics

Who I Was

You know what I want even more
Is to be just who I was before

Self-assured, future all secured
That was Julia
Quick to trust, saw the world as just
That was Julia

Full of promise and full of poise
Hardly any of which this shop girl now employs
But I muddle through...

Easy smile, avid cinephile
That was Julia
That was Julia
Before being branded a gold star wife
A distinction that's redefining my whole life

Well, it feels like it does
I feel guilty because
There are days when I just want to be who I was

I'm not saying I'd trade the life that I had with him for a minute
That was once in a lifetime love and I know I was lucky to win it

And I'm told to be proud
All the newsreels and magazines practically shout it
But I'm never allowed
To admit there is nothing remotely heroic about it

And you know I would never be able
To say that away from this dining room table...

Not a doubt how her life played out
That was Julia
All the details of who I am
Made irrelevant with one single telegram

That's what widowhood does
I resent it because
There are days when I just want to be
Momentarily free
And happily who I was
Last Update: June, 24th 2017

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Musical: Bandstand . Song: Who I Was. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes