Applause lyrics - Applause

Cover for Applause album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Backstage Babble
  3. Think How It's Gonna Be
  4. But Alive
  5. The Best Night of My Life
  6. Who's That Girl? 
  7. Applause
  8. Hurry Back 
  9. Fasten Your Seat Belts 
  10. Welcome to the Theatre 
  11. Act 2
  12. Good Friends 
  13. She's No Longer a Gypsy 
  14. One of a King 
  15. One Hallowe'en 
  16. Something Greater 
  17. Finale

Applause lyrics


What is it that we're living for?
Applause, Applause.
Nothing I know
brings on the glow
like sweet applause.
You're thinking you're through,
that nobody cares,
then suddenly you
hear it starting.

And somehow you're in charge again
and it's a ball.
Trumpet's all sing
life seems to swing,
and you're the king of it all 'cause
you've had a taste of
the sound that says love:
Applause, applause, applause!

When I was eight,
I was in a school play.
I'll never forget it,
I had one line to say.
My big moment came, I said "What ho, the prince!"
My sister applauded.
I've been hooked ever since.

BONNIE/ENSEMBLE: It's better than
pot, it's better than/What is it
booze. A shot of ap-/that we're living for?
lause will stamp out the/Applause, applause.
blues. You work til you're/
dead, it ain't for the/Nothing I know
bread. Call me outta my/brings on the glow
head/like sweet applause.

You're bank account's bare,
your cat has flu,
you're losing your hair,
then you hear it...

(Slow applause gradually speeds up)

That happy sound rolls over you and just like that,

Ev'rything's bright,
this is the night
love hits you right where you're at

'Cause, you've had a taste of
the sound that says love:

Applause, Applause!
(Spoken) There's
wondrous applause,
thund'rous applause.
Beautiful, soaring,
magnificent, roaring. It's
better than pot, it's
better than booze. A
shot of applause will
stamp out the blues.
Whatever you do you do
better because:

You're doing it to the beat of applause!

And nothing can beat the beat of applause,
(Sung) When you hear it...

(Dance break)

Then you hear it

(Dance break)

Yeah, yeah, I love applause,
applause applause.
Applause, applause!
Yeah, yeah, I love applause,
applause applause.
(love applause) Applause, applause!

Last Update: March, 15th 2015

> > > Applause
Musical: Applause. Song: Applause. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes