Applause videos

Cover for Applause album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Backstage Babble
  3. Think How It's Gonna Be
  4. But Alive
  5. The Best Night of My Life
  6. Who's That Girl? 
  7. Applause
  8. Hurry Back 
  9. Fasten Your Seat Belts 
  10. Welcome to the Theatre 
  11. Act 2
  12. Good Friends 
  13. She's No Longer a Gypsy 
  14. One of a King 
  15. One Hallowe'en 
  16. Something Greater 
  17. Finale

Applause videos

Backstage Babble
Applause - Applause
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Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes